Boruto’s Birth and Amado’s Daughter: Hidden Connection Theory

boruto and karma connection

If you’ve carefully read the Boruto manga, you might have noticed hints that something important happened at his birth, though it hasn’t been fully explained yet. If you watch a lot of anime, movies, or TV shows, you know how creators drop subtle clues to foreshadow key moments in the story. Simply put, nothing in the plot is accidental.

I haven’t seen anyone discuss this theory, so I’d like to share my thoughts. I believe something significant happened when Boruto was born, involving the nature of the chakra and its connection to humans. In one chapter, we learn an intriguing detail: Amado, who started research on cloning humans, had a daughter who fell ill with an incurable disease.

amado daughter

Amado tells Naruto he wants to resurrect her using Karma, and we’re given a specific timeline—12 years ago. That’s the same time Boruto was born. It might seem a coincidence, but emphasizing this detail isn’t accidental. It suggests that Amado’s daughter’s illness is somehow connected to Boruto’s birth.

Also, don’t forget that when Boruto’s Jougan was activated, it caused a disturbance in the universe, which caught the attention of Momoshiki, Kinshiki, and Urashiki. Toneri showed us this in one of the anime episodes. This further supports my theory that Boruto’s power influences key characters and shapes destiny so that Boruto is meant to defeat the Otsutsuki Clan in the future. We’ve seen similar foreshadowing in Naruto before.

A great example of this is from Naruto itself: we were told Kakashi had a friend from the Uchiha clan. We saw that the Copy Ninja had a Sharingan in his right eye, and later, we were introduced to Tobi, whose right side was hidden, and he had a Sharingan in his left eye. Many didn’t connect the dots because the author threw us off by showing Shisui’s story. Tobi claimed to be Madara, but the plot constantly hinted at his true identity.

Now, back to Boruto. We don’t yet have clear information about the Jougan, its connection to these events, or how Boruto’s birth triggered this cycle. All we know is that this happened 12 years ago. This was revealed in Chapter 75. Coincidence? Hardly. There are no coincidences in this plot.

Several questions arise:

  • Is Amado’s daughter’s illness connected to Boruto’s birth? Perhaps the appearance of the Otsutsuki in the human world altered the nature of the chakra itself, affecting some people, including Amado’s daughter.
  • Was Boruto also affected by this illness at birth but saved by Toneri, who granted him the power of the Otsutsuki and gave him the Jougan?

In any case, these two events are linked. We don’t know why this illness emerged, but we do know that Jigen—or rather Isshiki—was already putting his plans into motion around this time. Could he have been responsible for creating this disease? It’s unclear for now. The authors didn’t randomly emphasize that Boruto was born 12 years ago at the same time Amado’s daughter died.

We’re in for a major plot twist if these events are connected. Amado didn’t choose Konoha to protect himself from the Otsutsuki by chance, even though he could have gone to any nation. Both Naruto and Sasuke would fight the Otsutsuki, given the alliance between the countries. But why did he want to be closer to Konoha, Boruto, and Naruto? One theory is that even cloned bodies might be affected by the same illness as Akibe’s, which is why Amado has created so many clones.

Notice that none of the cyborgs have duplicates. Delta’s consciousness is housed in a drone attached to her back, and Amado keeps making new clones of her. He even deactivated a Delta clone in Jigen’s hideout as if he no longer needed it. He could’ve taken it with him but made a new clone in Konoha instead. Also, this clone has a mark on its forehead. Could this be a sign that the final clone is immune to the disease and whose Karma will be on the forehead?

Konoha is surrounded by a barrier created by Toneri to protect Boruto from being detected until the Jougan activates. This could explain why Amado needed to get into Konoha to create Delta’s clone and transfer Karma under the barrier’s protection. This also raises the question: how many others have been affected by this illness? Was it just Amado’s daughter? And why couldn’t any doctor cure her?

The illness may attack the cells themselves, and no matter how many clones Amado creates, the disease returns. Could he have heard about someone being cured of a similar illness, and that person was Boruto? In any case, the authors are hinting at a connection between Boruto’s birth and Amado’s daughter’s death. We’ll learn more in the coming chapters of Boruto: Two Blue Vortex. As we explore these intriguing connections between Boruto’s birth and Amado’s daughter’s illness, it’s clear that the Boruto: Two Blue Vortex chapters are slowly unravelling deeper mysteries that have been hinted at throughout the series. For more insights and theories about Boruto’s Jougan, Amado’s secrets, and upcoming twists in the story, visit to stay updated on all the latest developments.

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