Read Boruto Two Blue Vortex Manga, Chapter 14 (Duty) Online In High Quality For Free

boruto two blue vortex chapter 14 duty

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Boruto Manga Chapter 14 Summary & Analysis

So, Chapter 14 of Boruto: Two Blue Vortex is finally here. I know it’s very text-heavy, but a few things happened, such as Boruto being saved by Sage Mitsuki. This table reveals Jura’s true identity and the introduction of one of the strongest entities in the entire Naruto franchise. So, we have a lot to discuss, but of course, we will start from the top.

The person on the cover for this month is Kashin Koji, and the chapter title is Duty. This is more so in reference to what happens with Shikamaru and Mitsuki later on in Chapter 14 of Boruto: Two Blue Vortex.

Borutoโ€™s Interrogation Begins

Now, the chapter itself starts with Boruto getting interrogated. We have Konohamaru there, and we also have Ibiki Sensei. You made a big deal out of me saying “Ibiki” in the entire spoiler article, and I don’t know why you cared so much about Ninja 0167 (which is a joke, by the way, and for some reason, I needed to clarify that in the blog). But his name is Ibiki, so you folks can sleep well tonight.

boruto interogation scene

We have Konohamaru saying, “You finally came to. Relax, your wounds have been healed.” Now, it seems Boruto tried to use some Jutsu because his fingers were set in motion. Still, Konohamaru says, “Those are sealing Jutsu cuffs crafted by Amado. No amount of weaving signs will lead to Jutsu activation,” which is very important. He says, “They even suppress your favorite teleportation technique, and don’t think about trying to break them. They may be electronic, but they’re extremely resistant to impact. You’ll injure your arms.”

This is very important to note because some of you made a big deal in the comments about me saying that Boruto is “table level,” which was clearly a joke, but keep that in mind as we progress through the chapter.

Now, Boruto seems concerned about everyone else and asks where the enemy is. Konohamaru then says that the enemy has run off, and there’s no sign of their chakra in or around the village. “We lost several comrades this round, but their actual targets, like Sarada and Himawari, are safe, as are the Ino-Shika-Cho Trio.”

We then switched to what we saw in the early leaks, which had Sakura healing Inojin. She says, “This is incredible; he has been healed so completely, and it’s hard to believe that his belly has been run through.” She then clarifies, “It looks like his chakra flow was disrupted, but no worries. Once I get it going again, he’ll eventually come to.”

Now, we’re not going to spend any time on this because we already went over this in another article about the sneak peek, so let’s move on to the next portion of Chapter 14 of the Boruto manga.

We then switched back to Boruto and got interrogated once again. The old elders are still here (we saw them in Chapter 6), and Amado is also there, listening to the conversation. They’re not in the room itself; they’re using Ino’s Jutsu. We also see that Eida is watching the conversation using her Senrigan, and she informs Kawaki that the interrogation is about to begin.

Daemon then says, “It ain’t looking good for Kawaki. What’s your plan if Boruto lets all the cats out of the bag? I mean, there probably isn’t anyone loony enough to believe their positions are flipped, but you outright lied about Boruto killing the Hokage. I wonder how everyone will react once they find out.”

Kawaki then goes on to say that it won’t change anything. “No matter what Boruto says, it is still his fault that Lord Seventh disappearedโ€”a dangerous Otsutsuki who could rampage at any moment. That’s his true nature. Killing him is the only option, whether it’s now or later. But before that, we must extract his intel to deal with those mysterious monsters.”

We then switch back to the room, and Konohamaru is surprised by what Boruto says. He says, “The Divine Tree… people who possess self-consciousness.” Boruto Uzumaki replies, “Yes. Each one reflected the chakra of a person devoured by the Ten-Tails and turned into a tree. For example, Old Man Sasuke was the base model for Hidari, who you just fought. I’ve also seen one called Matsuri, whose base model is Master Moegi, and the one Matsuri is eager to devour is you.”

Amado goes on to say, “The Ten Tails’ intended purpose is to devour an Otsutsuki, become a Divine Tree, and put down roots in the ground to suck the planet dry of life and produce a chakra fruit. It knows this instinctively, but now that they’ve acquired intelligence, we should view them as more than a simple beast that acts on impulse.”

He says, “In general, intellectual curiosity seeks experiences that lead to new emotions and knowledgeโ€”namely, information. I suspect that’s what they want.”

This confirms what we, as the audience, already knew about these entities: they want to consume their targets to gain information. Boruto then says, “It’s something like that,” which I found interesting, but let’s move on.

Amado then says that the main boss is Jura. He’s a special caseโ€”unlike the others, he has no prototype. He’s a direct incarnation of the Ten-Tails and the one steering this crisis we’re facing. Amado then says, “In sho, we can defeat Jura, and this planet will stop being in danger,” which I found very interesting.

Is this implying that the other Shinjus can’t consume Otsutsuki and turn into the Divine Tree like it has to be Jura? Or does he mean that the other ones are too weak to matter? So, if they have the strength or the power to defeat Jura, they can defeat everyone else. It could go either way. I won’t latch onto any possibility at this pointโ€”we’ll see how it plays out.

shiki shinju creature

Now, Shikamaru is confused about how Boruto knows all of this, and we know it’s because of Kashin Koji and his prescience. He asks Boruto to divulge this information, but Boruto says, “I have a source, but sorry, I can’t reveal his identity. He asked me not to for his safety.”

That’s when we get into some back-and-forth between Boruto and the elders. They’re trying to convince Boruto that he should divulge the information. Boruto says, “You want me dead, and the only reason why I’m alive is because of my intel.” The elder responds, “Don’t get cocky with us, you renegade.” He then says that whatever Boruto says, “he won’t leave this room alive.”

They then go on to question Boruto about why he killed Naruto. But we then switch to Shikamaru, who seems to have a mental breakdown. First, it shows him thinking about his conversation with Boruto, where he told him to remain a fugitive, and that’s what Boruto is doing in this interrogation. It also shows that Shikamaru is forgetting why he decided to trust Boruto.

We have this panel of him saying, “What exactly is it that lies with Kawaki, and on what basis do I find Boruto trustworthy? I don’t know, yet somehow, for no logical reason, I am convinced he is Uzumaki Boruto. I have a memory of deciding to believe that and accepting this premise that leads to everything falling into place, which means I can’t let Boruto die here.”

We then switch to Boruto, saying, “I didn’t kill him. Lord Seventh is alive, and his wife is tooโ€”they’re both somewhere safe.”

They then ask him where this location is, and he replies, “I’m not telling you.”

That’s when Ibiki (I mean, Ibiki!) enters the conversation.

We then switched to Shikamaru and tried to reach out to Ino, but it seemed she was not on his side anymore. I don’t think it’s because of omnipotence; she seems fully aware of what he said, but she’s choosing not to believe him. I think she’s just having an emotional reaction because of what happened to Inojin, and that’s what’s happening here. She refuses to help him, even though he says that he needs the help as a friend, not as an order from Hokage, and that’s where that conversation ends.

We’re finally back in the interrogation room again, and we have Ibiki standing above Boruto, saying, “If Lord Seventh is safe, tell us where he is. If you can’t, your claim isn’t going to fly, and you’ll die disgraced as a Hokage-killing traitor.” But of course, Boruto doesn’t respond, and that’s when Ibiki slams his face into the table. When he lifts him, Boruto is bloodied and bruised, bleeding from both nostrils and his mouth. Ibiki says, “You see, Boruto, I’ve been itching to kill you for the past three years.”

Boruto replies, “Must be nice to have so much free time.”

And then Ibiki punches him once again, which leaves Boruto coughing up blood.

This is where we talk about the sealing cough, and this was a bit confusing when revealed in Chapter 13, but Konohamaru does explain it in this chapter: the sealing cuffs block Jutsu. Now, how do they do this? They block Jutsu by preventing the flow of chakra throughout the body.

We then switch over to Shikamaru, and he tells Ibiki to bring in Mitsuki, and Konohamaru warns him that Mitsuki might try to kill Boruto. The interrogation technique is designed to provoke anger, which, in turn, would make Mitsuki more violent. This is because Mitsuki still has a strong urge to kill Boruto. This happened before the three-year time skip.

Boruto and Mitsukiโ€™s Showdown

So, Mitsuki finally enters the room, and Boruto says, “Oh, still idiotically searching for your sun, I see.” This enrages Mitsuki, who enters Sage Mode and slams Boruto against the wall. Ibiki tries to intervene, but Mitsuki summons his snakes and secretly unlocks the cuffs. He whispers to Boruto, “Your stuff is in the West Wing Security Office. There are two guards.”

Boruto then teleports out of the room, again using Flying Thunder God. This surprises everybody in the room. Ibiki says, “You fool!” But it’s too lateโ€”Boruto is already gone.

Boruto then appears in the room where his sword and cloak are stored, and he grabs them before teleporting outside the village. Right before this happens, he leaves a few final words to the people in the room. He says, “Just to be clear, I don’t see any of you as enemies. I’m even okay with sharing intel as needed. How you use it will be up to you.”

Now, we switch to Sarada and Sumire, who burst into the Hokage’s office to ask Shikamaru about the interrogation results. Shikamaru says, “He escaped.”

new shinju revealed

We then switch to the Sand Village, and Kankuro says, “It’s over. Gaara is alive. His adopted son Shinki, however, has been turned into a tree. He has not died yet, but they’re both alive. The mysterious creature has fled the village, but we are seeking help from the other villages.”

We then see the name of the new Shinju creature, Ryu, the Shinki Shinju.

boruto is ryu's victim

And that’s it for Chapter 14 of Boruto: Two Blue Vortex. This chapter wasn’t very action-heavy, but we got some pretty important information, namely that Jura is indeed the Ten-Tails itself and the one who’s causing this entire mess. We also got more information on the Shinjus and Ryu, who will likely be one of this arc’s biggest threats. Read Boruto: Two Blue Vortex manga online and explore Boruto’s struggle with Momoshiki, Gaara’s fight for survival, and Kawakiโ€™s hidden power limits in Chapter 15.

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