Mitsuki Saves Boruto Uzumaki – Ten Tails Identity Revealed

boruto teleported

The full spoilers for Chapter 14 of Boruto: Two Blue Vortex are finally here, and they confirm that the new Shinju is indeed Shinki. It also affirms that Gaara got folded off-screen. We have Boruto getting destroyed by Ninja 0167, and apparently, Boruto is now “table level,” which is hilarious, but we’ll get to that later. We also have Boruto getting saved by Mitsuki entering Sage Mode. A lot happens in this chapter, but, of course, we’ll start from the top.

The person on the cover for this month is Kashin Koji; to be clear, he isn’t featured in the chapter itself. This isn’t anything new; sometimes, Ikemoto will put the person who was relevant in the prior chapter on the cover for the next one. So that’s pretty much what’s happening here.

The first spoiler says the chapter starts with Boruto in a chair, and Ibiki and Konohamaru are in the same room as Amado. This refers to when Amado came to the village, and they did the interrogation, so that’s what’s happening here. Even though I referred to Ibiki as Ninja 0167, he’s very notable in the Naruto universe. He’s existed in the universe since Part 1, so he’s a well-known character—I was playing around. So, Ibiki interrogates Boruto.

It then says that Eida, Daemon, and Kawaki talk. It doesn’t expand on what they’re talking about, but we also have some panels that show them discussing the situation with Boruto. Eida is watching Boruto using the Senrigan, and Kawaki is also in the room.

Next, it says they’re interrogating Boruto, and he and Amado talk about the Otsutsuki, Jūra, Shinju, etc. So, Amado isn’t in the room, apparently, but they’re using the Mind Transfer Jutsu to communicate. Now, it says that the elders, Konohamaru and Ibiki, continue to talk while Shikamaru is just looking at Eida’s Senrigan. So, the elders—those who have existed in Naruto since the beginning of the Konoha village—are still alive and present, as we saw in Chapter 6. They’re listening in on the conversation, similar to Amado.

This is where it gets funny because it seems they’re trying to get information from Boruto, but he isn’t budging. There might be a reason for that. Even though I think he can give them something—and he does go on to provide them with some things about Jūra—I believe what they want to know is where he’s getting this information, which would be Kashin Koji and his prescience. I feel like Boruto doesn’t want to divulge that information yet.

kashin koji return in boruto with prescience

So that’s when Ibiki comes in (Ibiki, whatever you want to call him), and he slams Boruto’s face into the table, making him bleed. Ibiki doesn’t lift the table and hits Boruto in the face. As you can see in the panel itself, he drops Boruto’s face onto the table, then lifts it, punches Boruto Uzumaki in the stomach, and slaps him across the face. Boruto is getting trashed, and it’s crazy. What’s interesting here is that Boruto is bleeding—blood is coming out of his nose.

This is interesting because Boruto is 100% Otsutsuki. He’s stronger than Jūra—we know that for sure. Some people believe he’s stronger than Isshiki but stronger than Jigen. Yet, for some reason, slamming his face into a table caused bruises to appear. We must remember that the act itself isn’t essential—it’s the person committing it. Unless Ibiki is at the Otsutsuki level, I don’t see how the force of slamming Boruto’s face into the table would cause significant damage.

Some have argued that it’s because of the thing on Boruto’s hands preventing him from using Jutsu. The thing with that is that it prevents him from forming hand seals and activating Jutsu. As you know, in Naruto, to perform Jutsu, you must form hand signs or seals, connecting like an electrical circuit. So, the thing on Boruto’s hands prevents him from activating Jutsu, but it doesn’t stop him from moulding chakra, which can reinforce his body. You could argue that Boruto is choosing not to reinforce himself because he wants to get beaten up, but even then, his base strength as a 100% Otsutsuki, stronger than Jigen, should be enough to handle a push from Ibiki into a table without bleeding. It’s a bit inconsistent but not a big deal—I find it funny.

Let’s move on to the next point. It says that Shikamaru lets Mitsuki enter the interrogation room. Mitsuki enters Sage Mode and pretends to attack Boruto. He uses a snake to open Boruto’s handcuffs, and Boruto escapes using the Flying Thunder God. This is interesting because some argue that Shikamaru didn’t intend for Mitsuki to free Boruto. Still, based on this panel, Shikamaru is giving Mitsuki a piece of paper with writing on it, instructing him to free Boruto. That’s what happens later in the chapter.

I find this panel where Boruto uses the Flying Thunder God to be slightly off. He looks wonky and weak. Some might say it’s because Boruto is still damaged from Jūra’s attack, but it’s confirmed that Himawari healed him, so he should be fine. I don’t think that’s the issue. I think he’s tired of being slammed into the table. Maybe these cuffs are doing more than what Konohamaru said, which is that they prevent him from using Jutsu. Maybe they weaken him somehow—who knows?

Next, in the Hokage room, we see Sarada and Sumire talking to Shikamaru, and Kankuro talks with Shikamaru too. This is interesting because Kankuro’s introduction at this point gives weight to the idea that Shinju is Shinki. Some people had issues with the idea that the new Shinju could be Shinki, given that we haven’t seen any Sand Village characters, but I always believed Shinki would appear later in the story.

I’m also interested in the conversation between Konohamaru, Shikamaru, Sarada, and Sumire. They were talking about Boruto and Kawaki earlier, which ties into the omnipotence event earlier in the series. Assuming this works the way Sarada mentioned, Shikamaru should forget this conversation again, but he’s trying to find a way to retain that memory this time around.

It goes on to say that Boruto teleports to a room, grabs his cape and sword, and teleports. Some people were confused about how Boruto teleported to that room, but it was obvious that he teleported to his sword. He did the same thing in Chapter 6, where he placed the seal on his sword.

Now, we get some information about the Ten Tails and Jūra’s true identity. It says the Ten Tails original purpose was to eat an Otsutsuki and transform it into a Shinju. Shinju Hidari and Matsuri (probably referring to Sasuke and Moegi) target Konohamaru, Sarada, and Himawari. It says they want to defeat Jūra to save the planet. The elders want to know how Boruto knows about this, which led to him getting beaten up by Ibiki earlier.

Konohamaru says Boruto can’t use his teleportation technique because the handcuffs suppress the chakra in his arms. Yamato made these handcuffs. This is interesting because Kawaki said earlier that Amado made them, so this might be a mistranslation, but Yamato’s Wood Release has chakra-suppressing properties, so it makes sense.

The name of the new Shinju is Ryu, and he’s Shinki’s Shinju. If Shinki is going to attack someone, it has to be Boruto, given their relationship in the anime. But Boruto has other issues—Jūra and others are targeting him. If Shinki does fight someone, I think it will likely be Mitsuki, as they have some history from the Chunin Exams.

That’s it for the spoilers. The total translated panels will drop later today; we’ll cover that in the chapter review.

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