Boruto: Two Blue Vortex – The Rise of Code


The removal of Code’s limiter makes him the strongest right after Amado removes the limiter on his abilities. Code awakens all of his White Karma, which dramatically increases his strength. Let’s continue reviewing Boruto up until chapter 80 while waiting for chapter 15 of Boruto: Two Blue Vortex to be released.

In the previous chapter, Eida successfully manipulated Delta’s mind, making her favourable to her. Meanwhile, Code continued to torture Amado, trying to force him to comply with his wishes. However, before Amado fully submitted, I knew that Kawaki was coming. As a result, Code was forced to take Amado to their hideout to achieve his goal of removing the power limiter.

Unexpectedly, after a long conversation and torture, Amado finally agreed to remove Code’s limiter under a predetermined agreement. Something surprising happened here—Amado removed the limiter with a simple statement: “There’s no dress code.” Instantly, thick smoke surrounded Code, and his appearance changed slightly. His hair stood up, almost like a Super Saiyan. Code had fully unlocked his White Karma and completely removed his limiter.

What might be confusing is how simple the process was. Initially, we thought that removing the limiter on Code’s Karma would require some ritual or complex protocol. But with the statement, “There’s no dress code,” Amado downplays the process, implying that although it is easy to remove, the consequences can be enormous. This could be Amado’s way of showing the danger of this power or suggesting that despite the simplicity, what follows could be devastating.

After removing the limiter, Code immediately felt a difference in his body, a sensation that made him believe he could defeat anyone. However, Code didn’t keep his promise to Amado. He planned to end Amado’s pain and suffering by killing him. Bug, who observed this, saw how the genius scientist Amado was now at their mercy.

Luckily, before Code could actually kill him, Amado told Eida that he had something important to discuss regarding Kawaki. Code, who was about to kill Amado, suddenly stopped because of Eida’s words. Amado revealed that Kawaki was his secret plan. In other words, if Konoha ever tried to eliminate or get rid of Amado, he still had an alternative, and that was Kawaki.

At first, Eida didn’t understand what Amado meant. Code tried to provoke Eida, insisting that Amado was bluffing out of desperation. But Eida told Code to shut up and not interrupt her conversation with Amado. Despite Code’s attempts to convince Eida that Amado was using her, she gave Amado a chance to speak, believing he was telling the truth.

Code, however, remained stubborn and wanted to kill Amado. Seeing Code act rashly, Eida ordered Daemon to stop him. Unexpectedly, when Daemon embraced Code, Code received a claw wound on his head. It was a reflection of Daemon’s ability to reflect intent onto his attacker. This meant that Code’s intent to kill Daemon was reflected, causing him harm instead.

Despite this, Code didn’t accept Eida’s accusations. Eida then warned Code that if he continued to be a hindrance, she would dispose of him. Amado explained that Code still didn’t understand the situation. Previously, Eida had received an offer to come to Konoha, which would give her a chance to get closer to Kawaki. But there was an exception—if she continued to cooperate with Code, who had become an enemy of Konoha, her opportunity would be wasted.

Hearing this, Code couldn’t accept it and considered it nonsense, believing that Amado was trying to pit him against Eida. In his rage, Code immediately attacked Amado with his claw. However, once again, Daemon reflected the attack, causing Code to be thrown back. Daemon warned Code not to act stupidly—if Eida said “no,” Code should listen and stop.

Even though Code had gained all the abilities of his White Karma, it became clear that he wasn’t as strong as he believed. He still couldn’t deal with Daemon’s reflection ability. This indicates that Daemon’s abilities are actually on a higher level than Code’s.

Speaking of Daemon, what ability could fight against his reflection, Shinjutsu?

Back in Konoha, Shikamaru explained everything that had happened to the group. They were surprised to learn of a Jutsu used by Eida that could enchant people and make them fall under her influence. Shikamaru was certain that they would meet Eida again.

Amado had previously explained that there was a place where Jigen discarded cyborgs that he considered too powerful, and one of these cyborgs was most likely Eida. In other words, Jigen discarded Eida because her power surpassed his own. This became evident when Amado looked terrified upon seeing Eida, not realizing she was still alive. Worse, Eida wasn’t the only one—another cyborg, stronger than Code, existed: Daemon.

Shikamaru confirmed this when explaining Kawaki’s fight with Code. When Kawaki fought Code, there was someone Code used to counter Kawaki’s attacks: Daemon.

Another fact was revealed: after Eida was banished to this place, it was Code who helped her regain her freedom and powers. However, during this situation, Code felt that Daemon was acting strange, so he asked Eida to do something about it. Unfortunately, Eida planned to end it all. Ironically, Code, who initially helped Eida regain her freedom after being banished, confessed his love for her, claiming it was from the bottom of his heart. But, unfortunately for him, Eida rejected his feelings because she was fed up with Code’s self-serving attitude. In other words, Code only thought about himself, without listening to what Eida had to say—that’s women.

Seeing Eida’s response to Code, Daemon emphasized that his sister didn’t need him. Daemon further stated that he alone could fight anyone, including the Otsutsuki. But then, something surprising happened. After Code declared that only one person could be Eida’s knight, which he believed was himself, he confidently confirmed who exactly was the hindrance. Code revealed that Daemon was, in fact, the one hindering him from becoming Eida’s knight. As a result, Code and Daemon prepared to fight.

Unexpectedly, before the battle could begin, a voice was heard from a distance—it was Bug. He warned Code to be careful with Daemon’s palm, revealing a secret about how Daemon’s troublesome abilities work. It turns out that Daemon can only reflect actions when he is touching others with his hands. Now, since Code had unlocked all his power, surpassing even Jigen, he and Daemon could destroy each other if they fought.

Understanding the secret behind Daemon’s ability, Code immediately attacked with his clawed hands. However, with speed and agility, Daemon managed to dodge the attack, moving behind Code and launching a powerful blow that caused Code to vomit blood and the ground to be destroyed. But Code had already created a claw mark above Daemon and quickly teleported behind him to counterattack. Once again, though, Daemon’s ability was not to be underestimated—he parried Code’s attack and kicked him, sending him crashing into a wall.

At this point, Code was completely defenceless against Daemon, who was just a kid. Daemon even admitted that Code was stronger than Jigen and that, even against the Uchiha or the Hokage, he wouldn’t have a problem. Yet, Daemon declared that it didn’t matter because he was the strongest. Seeing Code completely helpless against Daemon, Bug, who had been by Code’s side, grew anxious. Bug had initially been against waking Daemon, and now he could see why.

In his desperate state, Code used his claw marks to move behind Bug. In the end, Eida decided she wouldn’t kill Code unless he interfered with her again. This is where Code’s continuing mission was revealed—he wanted to cultivate a Divine Tree and obtain its chakra fruit, as per the Otsutsuki will that Isshiki had passed on to Toneri. Code planned to devour the chakra fruit, like Momoshikiand Isshiki had, to gain evolution and immense power. In other words, Code aimed to become the new Otsutsuki. He even claimed that once he became an Otsutsuki, Eida’s and Daemon’s abilities would no longer affect him.

In conclusion, Code stated his choice: “Whether I want to love you or want to kill you.” But, upset and angry at Code’s words, Daemon immediately attacked Code. Unfortunately for Daemon, Code managed to escape along with Bug by using his claw marks.

Now, the situation turned bad for Amado. Eida told Amado that he was utterly devious—not only had he survived death, but he had also managed to create a situation where Code and Eida were separated. However, Amado explained that everything was based on Eida’s willingness to listen to him, as it was about Kawaki. He also explained that Kawakiwas the ace up his sleeve, and his earlier statements weren’t bluffs but the truth.

Suddenly, Daemon jumped onto Amado’s shoulders, and Eida emphasized that Daemon was waiting for the opportunity to kill him. If Amado didn’t want to die, he had to explain everything in detail. Finally, Amado revealed the full story, including how Kawaki got his Karma back, along with Isshiki’s abilities that had been passed down to him.

Amado also admitted that with Kawaki’s current state, there was no one in Konoha, not even the Hokage, who could counter his power—especially after the Hokage lost Kurama. But behind Amado’s claim that no one could stop Kawaki, he revealed that there was one exception: Amado himself. This meant that Amado had implanted something in Kawaki, a shutdown command that only Amado could use.

Since Konoha’s leadership involved managing Kawaki and also other villages, they had no choice but to rely on Amado. Amado was taking advantage of the problem he had created by returning Kawaki’s Karma. Eida questioned why Amado hadn’t included such a shutdown function from the beginning. It turned out that Jigen had forbidden Amado from doing so, as Kawaki was his precious vessel.

Daemon, on the other hand, confidently declared that he could defeat Kawaki without difficulty. We might believe Daemon’s words because, despite his fight with Code, Daemon hadn’t fully unleashed his abilities. There’s still a hidden great power that hasn’t been revealed.

In conclusion, Amado admitted that the shutdown function he implanted in Kawaki was just insurance to protect his position in Konoha. However, his real purpose was different. Unfortunately, Amado didn’t explain more, claiming it would be a long story. For now, the most important thing was that Eida accepted Shikamaru’s offer to move to Konoha. This marked the beginning of Eida’s presence in Konoha.

They all agreed to move to Konoha, with Amado acting as a mediator between Eida and Konoha, ensuring that everything went according to plan. Amado also planned to inform Konoha about Daemon, which raises the question of what will happen next in Konoha after Eida and Daemon settle there as we await the release of chapter 15 of Boruto: Two Blue Vortex.

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