Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter 13 Full Spoilers – Kashin Koji’s Mysterious Powers and the Return of Hidari!

toad sage

We finally have the full spoilers for Chapter 13 of Boruto: Two Blue Vortex, and let’s just say that I was right about everything! It’s almost as if I have the same ability that Kashin Koji was revealed to possess in this chapter, so we have a lot to discuss. But, of course, we’re going to start from the top.

The person on the cover for this month is Boruto Uzumaki, and you’ll understand why by the end of this article. Now, this spoiler drop pretty much goes right into it because it first says that Kashin Koji can see into the future and the past. He then goes on to say that he saw a Shinju of Shinki.

boruto has the same ability of kasshin koji

Now, this is very interesting, of course, because I actually predicted this in my article about The Thorn Soul Bulb chapter review. I think this was pretty obvious because Kashin said that it’s something that he saw before, which implies that it’s not something he heard about but something he saw with his own eyes. He even goes as far as to mention the name of the item itself, which corresponds with what Jura calls it as well. This means that Kashin Koji, not Boruto, had seen this before, or at least he was told what the name was.

Now, the reason why this ties into the Great Toad Sage—and we’re probably going to go in-depth on it in the actual review and not in this article—but to give a brief understanding: The Great Toad Sage can see into the future, and he has done this multiple times in Naruto. He saw that Naruto was going to become the Child of Prophecy saw that Naruto was going to meet Killer Bee, so it is possible that maybe Kashin Koji got this ability through Jiraiya’s cells because Jiraiya was a Toad Sage. Or maybe he was implanted with the cells of the Great Toad Sage himself, and that’s how he gained the ability. We have no idea, but I guess we’re going to find out soon.

What I will say is that there’s another possibility, but we’re going to address that when we get to that point in the spoilers. As for Shinki, as you know, Shinki is Gaara’s son—his adopted son. So if Kashin Koji did see a Shinju of Shinki, this might introduce an interesting dynamic between this Shinju and Boruto because Boruto does have a unique relationship with Shinki—at least in the Boruto anime. After all, he’s basically non-existent in the manga. But we’ll see how that plays out.

Now, the spoiler then goes on to say that while Jura went to attack Boruto, who was on the floor, the Shinju came through Jura’s claw marks and took the Thorn Soul. Of course, you know Jura has Hidari’s Thorn Soul, and this seems a bit weird based on what was said later on in the chapter because it kind of implies that the Shinju stole it, but I don’t think that’s the case. So, just wait until we get to that point in the reveal.

boruto shinki relation

The spoilers then go on to say that there’s a flashback of a 14-year-old Boruto who saw a toad and it talks to him. He grabs it, but it reverse summons him to Orochimaru’s hideout, where he meets Kashin Koji. So, what we saw in the early spoilers that I wrote a blog on a few days ago. The spoilers then say Boruto asks Kashin Koji, “Who are you?” but they have a long talk.

So, pretty much what was said in the chapter isn’t really covered in this spoiler release, and that’s a good thing because, of course, it leaves a lot to be desired so you guys can actually read Chapter 13.

The spoiler then goes on to say that when Isshiki defeated Kashin Koji, he saw the future—that Baryon Mode Naruto would fight Isshiki, that Code created the Claw Grimes, and that Omnipotence was coming. He saw future events after Isshiki defeated him; he even saw the Shinju, but he saw a Shinju of Shinki. So, as you can see, the sentence is a bit messy and not really properly constructed, but the overall point is that everything that was said here he basically saw—the future of everything that was going to take place.

Kashin Koji even tells Boruto about Shibai Otsutsuki. He goes on to say that Shibai has the claw marks, and he confirms that Delta, Boruto, Code, Amado, and himself were amplified in power by Shibai’s cells. Now, the reason why this is wild is that it was implied in the story that only Ada and Daemon were amplified by Shibai’s cells, and that’s how they received his abilities and why they were so strong. But Koji implies here that almost all of them were implanted with his cells, aside from maybe Victor and Kawaki, because Kawaki wasn’t mentioned.


This also leads back to why Kashin Koji can see into the future and the past—because it could have just been one of Shibai’s multiple abilities. So, I guess we’ll have to wait and see. What I will say is that depending on how many cells of Shibai Kashin Koji received, this could also explain why he wasn’t affected by Omnipotence (that’s assuming that he wasn’t) and why he’s working with Boruto. Because, of course, Omnipotence doesn’t work on Otsutsuki. Now, I’m not saying that Kashin Koji is an Otsutsuki, but maybe he has enough cells not to be fully affected, or he can just fight against the ability. But again, we’ll have to wait and see. This is just me speculating based on this spoiler release.

Now, the next portion says that going back to the present, Boruto gets up and puts on the headband Sasuke gave him. Himawari then wakes up and heals Sarada. It doesn’t say that she heals Boruto, so it could be that she did, and they just didn’t put it here, but it could also be that Boruto just healed himself because Boruto does have a healing factor through Momoshiki.

This is so wild to me because I mentioned this in my article, and someone was saying that Momoshiki can’t heal Boruto or that Boruto can’t heal—he doesn’t have any healing factor. I’m like, “Did you not read Boruto? He literally healed his hand when he caught Kawaki’s firebomb and also when Isshiki broke his back and his wrist.” That was literally stated in the series multiple times, so I don’t know; it’s just wild to me. But Momoshiki does have a healing factor, and he likely just healed Boruto’s body, or Boruto just has control over the ability.

As a side note, Himawari is back, so we might see some interaction between Himawari and Boruto, which would be awesome. The spoiler then says Sumire is standing next to Boruto, which is weird to me—not that she’s standing next to Boruto, but the fact that this is mentioned in the spoilers. Like, Sumire is standing next to Boruto? What does that mean? I don’t know; I just found it weird. Maybe something happened, and they just didn’t put it here.

Now, the next point says that unexpectedly, Konohamaru puts handcuffs on Boruto from behind. So, Boruto pretty much got speed-blitzed by Konohamaru, which is absolutely insane. Now, of course, Boruto could easily break out of this. What I will say is that maybe it’s something special because you would assume that Konohamaru knows that this can’t hold Boruto, and if he believes that Boruto is the villain, I don’t see why he would think this would work. So, obviously, he’s kind of weighing his options, and he believes Boruto will cooperate. We’ll see how this plays out, but obviously, it’s the Superman situation—he can break out at any time, and he can even teleport with FTG because if he’s handcuffed with his hands together, that means he can still do hand signs. So, we’ll see how this plays out, though.

Now, the spoiler then says Kawaki grabs Koji’s toad and shrinks it, but I did see another translation that says it just disappears. So, it seems like Kashin Koji resummoned it, but when Chapter 13 of the Boruto manga comes out, I guess we’ll find out.

shibai effecteb by omnipotence

Now, this bullet point says Jura decides to go back to the Shinju Dimension, and he puts the Thorn Soul on the cube, which leads to Hidari’s return. That is why I said the initial point was a bit confusing because, first, it said that Jura was on his way to attack Boruto, but then the Shinju came out of the claw marks and grabbed the Thorn Soul bulb. But now it’s saying that Jura decides to go back to the Shinju Dimension, and he puts the Thorn Soul bulb on the cube. So, I’m not sure what exactly is going on here—maybe some mistranslations or something—but the most important part is, of course, the return of Hidari, which I also did predict. Some of you said I was wrong, but here we are!

That said, this was pretty obvious based on the fact that Jura still has this plotline of needing to know why he wants to consume Sarada. This deep relationship between Sasuke-Shinju with Boruto and Sarada makes it very clear that Hidari is going to return. His plotline isn’t over. So, I’m looking forward to this revived version of Hidari because, of course, he’s going to be more evolved from this near-death experience. I think it’s not going to be as easy to get rid of him as it was before, and he’s likely just way stronger than he was before, as well. But again, this is just speculation—we’ll see.

Now, I did read another spoiler that said there’s a new Thorn Soul in the Shinju tree, and Matsuri grabs it and places it on the cube, and that’s where the chapter ends. So, there seems to be a separate Thorn Soul from the one Hidari created, and this could have been a different Shinju that died in the past, or this could have also been how the Shinju was created.

I think this chapter is going to reveal a lot of things because it was implied to be text-heavy by the spoiler, so I guess we’ll see how that plays out. What I will say is that I am a bit disappointed that we didn’t get to see Momoshiki again. Kishimoto is really dragging his feet there when it comes to Momoshiki because since Jura retreated to the Ten-Tails Dimension and Boruto is being handcuffed, and it seems that Boruto is healed up, there is absolutely no reason for Momoshiki to come out. So, I guess that’s just a dead end there.

But we might get something interesting when it comes to the history of the Shinju and Shibai because, again, Kashin Koji can’t just see into the future. Based on the spoiler releases, he can see into the past as well. So, we might see some information on what exactly happened to Shibai and maybe how Amado came to possess his cells, but I do think that this leads back to Isshiki—that makes the most sense. But, of course, it could be something else, and we’ll just have to wait and see.

Maybe Isshiki was completely dead and just didn’t realise that Amado was working with the cells of one of the strongest Otsutsuki in the history of the franchise. I highly doubt that’s the case, but anything is possible. But that’s it for the spoiler releases!

For those eager to dive deeper into Chapter 13 of Boruto Two Blue Vortex, check out our detailed spoiler analysis where we unravel the connections between Kashin Koji’s powers, Shibai Otsutsuki’s cells, and the intriguing developments surrounding Boruto and Shinki. Discover how the latest revelations shape the ongoing narrative and what they might mean for the series’ future.

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