Read Boruto Two Blue Vortex Manga, Chapter 12 (Thorn Soul Bulb) Online In High Quality For Free

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Boruto Two Blue Vortex Chapter 12 Review

So, Chapter 12 of Boruto: Two Blue Vortex is finally here, and let’s say that it’s one of the best chapters we’ve had in a while. Not only did it have Boruto destroying Hidari using Rasengan Uzuhiko, but it also had Boruto almost dying at the end portion of the chapter, along with the mystery element regarding the Ten-Tails Chakra fruit and even Rasengan and Uzuhiko itself. So, we have a lot to discuss, but of course, we’re going to start from the top.

The person on the cover is Sumire. The title of the chapter is “Thorn Soul Bulb,” which actually references what happens with Hidari later on in this chapter. So, we’re going to get to that point soon.

Now, the first panel shows Boruto angrily standing before Hidari, which follows him saving Sarada and Himawari. Boruto then proceeds to lay down Himawari and tells Konohamaru to protect her. That’s when Hidari attacked him by transforming his hand into a makeshift scythe if that’s how it’s pronounced. Boruto blocked it using his sword, which was amplified by his chakra. This is confirmed in Boruto’s Data Book and is also something that stems from the Naruto series, so it isn’t anything new, along with the fact that this is Sasuke’s blade, which means it’s one of the strongest blades in the entire universe. So, Boruto being able to block Hidari’s attack using this sword isn’t anything far-fetched.

Boruto then proceeds to activate a new Jutsu called “Futon Toppa,” which actually translates to Wind Style Breakthrough. This ability was actually created by Orochimaru, who then gave it to Mitsuki. So, it isn’t necessarily new to the series, but it’s new to Boruto. What I will say is that it’s not that different from Gil Palm; it’s pretty much using wind to push away opponents or targets or to push yourself in a direction. Even though Boruto typically uses Gil Palm to increase his speed by pushing himself forward, he has used it to attack others as well, similar to when he used it to push away Naruto in Chapter 66. So, if you thought this was Gil Palm initially, nothing really changes.

But Hidari wasn’t really damaged by this. He was able to find his footing and then teleported into one of his Claw Marks. That’s when we switched over to Kawaki, who says that Boruto’s presence moved locations in a split second. It must be Space-Time Jutsu. Right now, he’s probably in the spot where Team 10’s encounter first started, which means the village. Delta then says, “I don’t see Himawari anywhere. Team 10 is gone too. Can you hear me, Sensory Unit? Are they all right?” The Sensory Unit then replied, saying that Team 10 was carrying their wounded towards the new city, which is in reference to the pretty buildings that we had never visited even once in the Boruto manga for some reason. I’d like to know how that looks, to be honest, but you know, we’ll see—maybe that happens in the next chapter of Boruto Two Blue Vortex.

He then says that Himawari was able to rendezvous with Konohamaru and Sarada. Boruto is also there. Delta then says, “There you have it. What are you going to do?” We see that Kawaki is looking at Jura, and I’m sure Jura knows that he’s there, but he doesn’t care. Kawaki is like, “That bastard standing there all smug. What is he planning?” So, Kawaki looks concerned; he looks afraid of Jura, and he isn’t going to approach him based on what happens later on in the chapter. I guess you could say Kawaki ran from Jura, but I’m not going to knock him for this because, of course, Kawaki knows that he can’t fight Jura, and the only reason why he went there to fight him is because he thought Himawari was there. So, if Himawari isn’t there and Jura is there by himself, why would he fight him? It just doesn’t make sense. Kawaki’s actually making the correct decision at this point.

Moving on, we then switch back to the village with Konohamaru asking Boruto, “What are you thinking, going in and out of the village all nonchalant? Don’t you understand your position here?” Then steps in, telling Konohamaru to stop badgering. Boruto then asked him, “Didn’t you see what would have happened to me if Boruto didn’t come?” Konohamaru, being smart and a very intelligent person, unlike a certain person that I will not name, understood the situation immediately. He then tells them to be careful because Hidari can manipulate the Claw Marks in a way similar to Code.

Boruto Uzumaki then turns to Nishi and says, “You, you’re from the Sensory Unit. Focus on sensing the Claw Marks in the area. Don’t let even the slightest trace of chakra slip past you.” Nishi then says, “How dare you order me around, even though you’re a criminal?” Because we have to remember that Nishi believes that Boruto killed the Seventh Hokage, so you can somewhat understand why he’s apprehensive here. But Boruto, of course, ignores it, and Sumire chimes in, saying that this is clearly targeting Sarada. Even though Konohamaru was in point-blank range, he still went straight for Sarada. Sarada didn’t chime in to say that he was planning to devour me, or at least that’s what he said. With those moves, he has a connection, doesn’t he, to Papa becoming a tree, which, of course, is referring to the Chidori.

Konohamaru then says, “Becoming a tree? Hold on a second. By trees, do you mean the same thing that Moegi was turned into?” Boruto then goes on to say that this was formed on the basis of Uncle Sasuke’s chakra, but don’t pay too much attention to that. There’s no need to hold back; all we have to do is focus on taking him down in order to save Master and Uncle Sasuke.

Now, Konohamaru is a bit perplexed by this; he’s like, “Where did you get this information from?” Boruto then tells him, “I’m telling you to focus, Konohamaru. You’ll get killed if you don’t.” That’s when the claw marks appeared, using the claw marks Hidari laid down. Boruto then tells Sarada that he’ll do his best to reduce their numbers. The hooded guy’s final goal is you; only counterattacks that come your way. So, he’s pretty much telling her not to go on the attack but on the defensive because she’s the target. But then she goes on the attack, defeating multiple Claw Marks and cutting them down one by one. That’s when one single Claw Mark went after Sarada. She then tries to kick it in the stomach, but Hidari smartly uses one of the Claw Marks on the stomach of the Claw Mark to grab Sarada’s leg. Sarada is about actually to get absorbed by Hidari, but Boruto saves her by throwing a shuriken at the Claw Mark. Hidari spawned from there, teleported above him using Flying Thunder God, and landed a Rasengan on his right shoulder, destroying most of it. Hidari then slipped into his Claw Mark and teleported to the Shinju Dimension. Now, I say Shinju Dimension because we have no idea where this is, but this is where we saw the Black Box initially in Chapter 5.

This is pretty much the same location. Now we see that Hidari then pulls vines towards him, and they start to reconstruct his body, including the Claw Marks. This is very, very interesting. Now, this could be that the Ten-Tails is still fully there, and these are just portions of the Ten-Tails because we initially thought the Ten-Tails itself separated into these entities. But the Ten Tails’Tails’ body is still present, and they just moved it to a different location using the Claw Marks. We’ll have to wait and see, but this is very interesting to me.

Now, Hidari doesn’t have Raijin because he had to teleport to this dimension to get healed. What I will say is that we literally did see him heal himself in the prior chapter, so it could be the case that he can’t heal this type of damage or just needs this to heal quicker because of the extent of the damage. It could also be the case that the first time we saw him heal in Chapter 11, when he slipped through the Claw Marks, he actually went to this dimension and came back quickly. I think that is less likely, so it could be the case that he has some level of Raijin but not to the extent of, say, Juubidara or even Naruto or Himawari. But we’ll we’ll have to wait and see.

Hidari then returned pretty quickly and teleported behind Sarada and Boruto, which actually supports the theory that he went to that dimension mentioned quickly in Chapter 11 (“True Power”) of the Boruto Two Blue Vortex manga and then came back. But I digress; we’ll we’ll have to wait and see. Hidari is now here again, and he uses his Rinnegan because he shows the visual markers on the panel to spawn more claw marks. He then proceeds to recede into the Claw Marks once again, and Sarada tells Boruto to fly up into the air. She then says that she’ll draw his attention to the ground, and when he shows himself, Boruto should get him with another Rasengan.

Boruto then says, “I can can’t. Flying isn’t an option. I’ll use Uzuhiko instead at maximum output. I’ll finish him in one blow.” Boruto then proceeds to explain that it uses the rotation and revolution of the planet along with the power of centrifugal force. It’s a new Rasengan that I call the Chakra of the Planet. She then proceeds to ask him if he can take him down without him running off into his Claw Marks in one hit. Boruto replied, saying that it shouldn’t be a problem as long as I did it without holding back. At any rate, the power of Uzuhiko is limitless.

And you know what’s funny about this? When Boruto first did Rasengan on Uzuhiko, he was comparing it to Gojo from “Jujutsu Kaisen” with Infinity. Basically, no one is able to touch Gojo because of his curse technique, which is called the Limitless. So, they are now saying that this Rasengan is limitless, and we also know that no one can touch Boruto because of the Coriolis effect caused by this ability. I can definitely see what Kishimoto is doing here. I can see the similarities. Okay, that’s all I’m saying.

Now, Boruto goes on to say, “But I have to take in the planet’s chakra using both feet directly from the soil. That’s why I can’t fly, and if I’m going to take him down with one hit, I need that much more chakra.” So, this expanded explanation of Rasengan actually powers Boruto, which a lot of people aren’t seeing here. Because if the strength of this Rasengan depends on the power of the planet, this isn’t actually Boruto’s power. So, Boruto Uzumaki being able to destroy Hidari using this Rasengan isn’t an indication of Boruto’s power level. This actually indicates the strength of the planet itself. So, when Boruto says that the power of Uzuhiko is limitless and that the power stems from the planet, it’s not that the power is actually limitless in the sense of the word. It’s a name fallacy because the chakra of a planet isn’t limitless. We know this because the Ten-Tails destroy planets by absorbing their chakra, and they become barren. So yeah, the power of the planet isn’t limitless, so the Rasengan also isn’t limitless. It’s limitless based on what Boruto can now comprehend. It’s like when Naruto said that the power of the Ten-Tails was immeasurable when it’s actually immeasurable to him because he couldn’t measure it. But someone far stronger than Naruto or the Ten-Tails itself could actually measure that power if you get what I mean.

However, aside from this, the chapter introduces some limitations to the ability because Boruto has to remain rooted on the ground with both feet in order to charge up the ability. So, you can pretty much stop the ability by forcing Boruto to jump, dodge an attack or move. You know, so it’s not that difficult to do, but of course, that depends on the power level of his opponent. But that’s just what I’m getting from this chapter, “Thorn Soul Bulb.”

We also see that Hidari tried to attack Boruto from behind using the Claw Marks, which is similar to what he did to Sarada in the previous chapter (“True Power” of Boruto Two Blue Vortex manga). But Konohamaru saw this and jumped in between them, using his new Rasengan to block it as well. Now, this ability is obviously way weaker than the actual Chidori because we saw what that did to Konohamaru. He actually sent him flying into the building behind him. So, this ability isn’t anything, but Konohamaru’s Rasengan looks way bigger than it did before, so that’s probably why. But of course, this is just me speculating.

Now, Boruto isn’t too pleased with this. He then asked him, “Didn’t I tell you to watch over Himawari?” He then replied, saying, “I decide what I want to prioritize. If you have time to complain, then complete your Jutsu.” That’s when Hidari sneaks up on Sarada once again from behind using the Claw Marks, but Sarada is prepared this time. She uses the Chidori Stream to shock him or electrocute him. She then proceeds to throw him towards Boruto, which is very disrespectful and then asks him if the Rasengan is ready. Boruto then says, “To be honest with you, it’s not fully charged as yet, but I’ve got to do it now.” He then hits Hidari with the Rasengan, and then we see this big wind funnel charging around Boruto’s legs, which is similar to what happened with Code. But this time, it’s massive around his body. He then pushed him into the sky and literally ripped his body apart.

Now, this isn’t an explosion similar to Rasenshuriken, but it is ripping his body apart using the wind element. We then see that all that’s left of Hidari’s body is his head and his left hand. He then tried to fly into his Karma because he was still very much alive, and Boruto tried to rush after him. But of course, he couldn’t make it in time. Just as he’s about to enter the Claw Mark, it just disappears, and that’s when Kawaki appears from nowhere, standing above him. He then pinned him down using his hand and said, “You seem like you’re in pain. I’ll put you out of your misery.” It seems Kawaki then proceeds to use a chakra blast, and it just vaporizes Hidari’s entire body. Then he’s standing there all cool as if he just defeated Shibai Otsutsuki or something, right? The guy was literally half dead. Boruto, calm down, calm down.

Before we move on to the next portion of the chapter, I wanted to address Sarada’s point, which is that she is not using the Sharingan. I first noticed this when Boruto told her to be on guard because she’s Hidari’s target. So, I guess you’d assume that she would activate the Sharingan to perceive Hidari appearing from one of the Claw Marks, but she didn’t, and this actually resulted in her getting caught by Hidari. This actually played out later on again when Hidari popped out from the Claw Marks once again and grabbed her, trying to absorb her. Now, she was able to defend herself using the Chidori Stream, but she wouldn’t have been caught in the first place if she had the Sharingan active. The reason is that Rasengan does enhance your perception, which allows you to perceive counterattacks or just attacks in general. It somewhat seems like future sight, but in actuality, it’s just perceiving someone’s next movement based on the slight twitches in their muscle fibres. So, if she had the Sharingan active in both of these cases, she would have been able to dodge him because she would have seen the attack before it actually landed. I’m not sure why she isn’t using it; she did use it briefly in the prior chapter and then turned it off immediately. Now, it could be the case that Sarada has some stamina issues, which would explain why she turns it off immediately after using it. But this didn’t stop.

 She is using it in Part One, especially in the anime, so I’m not sure what’s going on here.

What happens, there’s no confirmation. We’re just speculating, of course. But going back to the present time, we see that Kawaki was able to destroy Hidari. But then the dust particles from his body, or the remains, started to form this chakra fruit. So it looks like a chakra fruit, but it has some thorns and a Rasengan at the bottom. So, this is obviously a different type of fruit. Now Boruto then grabbed it and reached out to Kashin Koji. He’s like, “What do you think? Is this the right thing?” Kashin Koji then says, “Object confirmed. There’s no mistake in it. It’s the same as what I saw—the Soul Thorn.”

Now, this is very, very interesting to me. Because if he’s saying that this is what he saw and we saw that this was formed by someone killing a Shinju, does this mean that Kashin Koji and Boruto killed a Shinju? Or does it mean that Kashin Koji killed a Shinju? And who was this Shinju? It briefly seems like they did fight Shinju before and were able to defeat it, and Shinju might have been Orochimaru. But of course, we have to wait and see.

Now, if Boruto was the one who said it, I could have just said that Boruto saw it in the future using his Byakugan. But since Kashin Koji is saying that he saw it and is confirming it with Boruto, I don’t think Kashin Koji has future sight, so it had to have been something that happened in the present time. So this is very, very interesting.

Now, Kawaki then, of course, grabbed Boruto’s collar because he loves doing that and then pretty much asked him to explain what the Thorn Fruit is. Boruto then said that it’s something that he needs in order to save his master, who got turned into a tree, or so I’ve heard. He then said, “If you understand, let go of me, Kawaki. If you don’t, I’ll cut off your arm.” Kawaki then said, “Who did you hear it from? Who’s your informant?” That’s when something pierces Boruto’s chest, and it’s then revealed to be Jura sniping him from miles away from the same location where they fought Himawari, which, by the way, is outside of the village. So it’s absolutely insane. Boruto falls to the ground, and then everyone runs over to him. They ask, “What’s going on?” Kawaki then says, “Delta, what’s happening over there?” and she’s like, “Is this guy for real sniping him from this range?”

But it looks like Boruto is going to be fine because Jura then said that he missed his vitals. Now, Sarada remembers what Boruto said about the fruit being able to save his master, Sasuke, so she tries to grab it herself. But Jura wasn’t having any of that, so he just sniped her right hand. So she’s fine for the most part. That’s when the fruit just started to float or levitate, and then it flew towards Jura.

And I know most of you guys are probably saying that Jura used Universal Pull from his Rasengan, but he didn’t actually move his hand. It seems like he just flew towards him naturally. Now, I will say that it is possible that he doesn’t need to move his hand because we’ve seen Jura do things with the Rinnegan and the Bijuu Bomb, which doesn’t make any sense. So, it could be that his Universal Pull is different. But I don’t know; it just seems like because Jura is a Shinju and Hidari is a Shinju, it just went towards Jura. I don’t know. We’ll see.

But we then see that Jura is a bit concerned because he then goes on to say, “Darn that, Boruto. So he knows about the Soul Thorns. That makes him more of a threat than I previously assumed. Well then, Kawaki alone is more than enough to serve as food for the Ten-Tails Otsutsuki. Boruto, I’ve decided to kill you.” The side text then says, “Jura’s sniping skills are very fearsome. What would happen to those who try to free Sasuke?” And that’s where Chapter 12 of Boruto: Two Blue Vortex ends.

The chapter was amazing. As I said in the beginning, the chapter does have, you know, the spectacle and the fighting that everyone loves. But I love the lore in the story. So this new information on Rasengan, which expands what the ability can do, is interesting. But what’s more interesting is what’s going to happen in the upcoming chapter because, of course, Boruto is out, and this means that Momoshiki might resurface because that’s usually how it occurs. Boruto gets damaged or badly injured, and Momoshiki takes over, so that might happen here as well. I don’t see Kawaki and Sarada defeating Jura, and Jura is dead set on killing Boruto, as he just stated. So the only way Boruto stands against Jura is if Himawari wakes up and heals Boruto or if Momoshiki does it. I think the latter is more likely, so I guess we’re going to see Momoshiki in the upcoming chapter of the Boruto: Two Blue Vortex manga series.

In Chapter 12 of Boruto: Two Blue Vortex, the intense battle escalates as Boruto faces off against Jura and the looming threat of the Shinju. The mysterious Soul Thorn’s role in the Shinju’s plans becomes a central focus, setting the stage for major revelations. As the chapter concludes, a new twist in the story hints at even greater challenges ahead. Continue the journey with Chapter 13, where Koji Kashin’s crucial insights and the emergence of a new Shinju bring fresh twists to Boruto’s fight for survival.

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